Tower Defence moodboard & mindmap concepts

Tower Defense Project

For the tower defence we intend to develop, the towers & enemies will expand over a course of 5 different genres. The 3 genres of Horror, Adventure, & Fantasy used within the 1994 film Pagemaster, will be reconstructed into a tower defence game alongside 2 additional genres of Mythology & Western. I have been tasked to develop concepts for the western themed tower defence assets & environment.

To begin developing concepts of characters towers & enemies, a moodboard & mindmap was constructed over the theme & design of western tower defence. This will be used to create concepts of western tower & enemy variations. The moodboard created presents a mix of film, games, & art concepts depicting the western theme genre in multiple formats.

This moodboard is a collection of stylized digital environments, which will be used as an example to construct a level design concept, & structures architectures.
This moodboard will be used to construct concepts of tower defense units & enemies.


The concepts of the western themed tower units & enemies requires at least One of the towers to resemble the appearance or use of books. This is to connect with the films consistency of presenting books, as the foundation of environments or characters of the story, based on their individual genre & fictional stories description.

Level Design

To express the vast rugged lands of the wild west environment, the pathing of the enemies needs to traverse across a large portion of the designated level, while maintaining enough space to place towers & environmental obstructions to stop the player from an attempt to control the wave of enemies.

Using the research gathered upon tower defense I have listed requirements to consider within the concepts of the western level design.

  • The environment should present obstacles or opportunities within the enemies pathing, or environmental obstructions.
  • The environment must match the appearance of a western theme area
  • Tower units must have enough visible space to control the level, while environmental structures shouldn’t obstruct the tower units fire.

Scale towers, enemies & scene assets

To keep the scale of individual assets created within a similar height & width proportion, a limit upon the scenes environment, towers, & enemies. the environment scene will follow a scale limit proportion of 180×180 unit while the assets will stay within a 80×80 unit space.

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