Project 2 & 3: Week 2 Planning & production

Project 2 SWOT Analysis & progression routes08/11/2021Develop a SWOT analysis upon the chosen job role I aim to achieve, alongside the progression routes to develop the skills & qualifications required.
Project 3 Environment context & research09/11/2021Document some historical & contextual research behind the intended environment I plan to develop.
Begin concepts & develop floor plan12/11/2021Begin to develop digital concepts of the autumn environment, using the mood board & influences to support the construction.

Project 2: Task 3 & 4 (08/11/2021)

Further analysis upon my intended job roles & goals required a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, improve weaknesses, opportunities, & Threats which may disrupt my opportunity to apply, or achieve my goals & ambitions. Furthermore, a progression route is required for task 4 to understand the available routes & how i would achieve my long-term goals.

Tasks 3 & 4 for project 2 have been researched & documented, presenting the SWOT analysis & progression route I would like to follow as a long-term goal. This has helped me present the requirements needed to achieve the long-term goals.

Project 3: Environment context & research (09/11/2021)

Documenting the mindmap & moodboard developed, further context is required to elaborate the environments, influence, design, & background of the project. Further research into the environments 2D development & individual flora, fauna, & ruins pictured within the autumn highlands.

Context, explaining the design choice, influence, & further description of the autumn highlands environment has been developed. This will help me develop concept ideas to illustrate & develop the individual sprites required to construct the environment.

Research analyzing the variety of autumn flora, fauna & ruins inhabiting the pitched environment has been documented. This has helped me identify the highlands theme influenced by Norse mythology ruins & landscapes, alongside the autumn flora of shogun environments.

Problem solving (11/11/2021)

Documenting the theoretical & practical problems detail the weekly errors & problems which occur within both sides of development.

Project 3: Concepts & floor plans (12/11/2021)

Using the contextual mindmap & moodboards documented, a visual environment concept matching the description of the autumn highlands is required to develop sprites, alongside a floor plan demonstrating the level design of the environment.

A outline concept of the environments have been developed, presenting a sketch of two perspectives of the environment to develop an asset concept sheet. The floor plan of the environment is still pending to be developed, though I may reconstruct the environment concepts to present my strengths & skills in developing concepts.

Week 2 Evaluation (13/11/2021)

Reflecting upon the output of beginning practical work has presented a low effort of detail contributed into the illustrated concepts, alongside the undeveloped floor plan expected to be developed within this following week. I will need to work upon this dilemma by reconstructing the concepts to illustrate a detailed environment.

Project 2: Week 2 task 3 & 4

Task 3: SWOT Analysis

While I continue to improve my skills theoretically & practically, I need to understand the strengths, weaknesses & threats I can improve upon. To analyze this, I will document a personal SWOT analysis investigating the strengths I can present, alongside further opportunities & threats which would occur within my development of practical & theoretical work.


Concept illustration

One of these strengths which I am able to analyze is my attention to detail amongst developing concepts both theoretically & practically. This strength is presented consistently through the development of concepts, alongside floor plan layouts & camera perspective through the environments. Primarily I am able to pitch & develop environments because of its influence of flora & structures representing alternative perspectives of landscapes both fiction & non-fiction. Whereas character development & color illustration is a weakness I will need to develop upon, if I am to qualify as a digital environment concept artist.

3D & 2D mesh/sprite development

Another strength presented within my development of practical work is the detailed meshes & sprites replicating the following concepts & floor plan layouts. This has been presented through the output of practical developments, following its intended design. While I am unable to choose between focusing on the development of either 3D or 2D, both have been influenced by the design choices, & process of creating a concept into a digital asset. Although, I have developed sprites & meshes using the following software I am most experienced with: blender, Asprite, piskel, Adobe, & Magicavoxel, I am unaware of operating alternative software’s like Maya, Zbrush, & any alternative 2d sprite software. non-the-less, there are still improvements & skills i will need to develop, if I am to help upon the development & design of assets within the supporting job role of a 3D/2D mesh & sprite developer.

Theoretical research & documentation

Though this isn’t a noticeable strength which is focused upon when presenting a portfolio or Showreel, it does support the development process of practical work, providing an insight into its influences & inspirations. A strength presented within the documentation & improvement of posts, is the theoretical research constructed to create a concept, game, or asset. However the reference link of secondary research which supports the development of practical work hasn’t been documented.


Color illustration & character development

Embedding colour into the practical concepts, meshes, or sprites is one of my most noticeable weaknesses presented within practical work. Though I continue to try & input colour into the concepts, & assets, it is a weakness which i will need to focus upon improving if I am to create detailed environmental concepts. To overcome this task I have tasked myself to work upon the practical development of blending colours into the following project, as well as work upon the production of made materials & textures.

Social co-operation

Though I am capable to develop work independently, my social co-operation working upon a group project is one of my noticeable weaknesses. This is because the output of work contributed within a group isn’t efficient, alongside my confidence to pitch additional ideas upon the project. This has been seen within the group development of y2 project 1. To work upon this weakness, i will need to work upon receiving feedback upon my developing projects, alongside build a co-operative confidence upon presenting projects.

Material & texture development

Developing materials & textures for both 2D & 3D assets is another critical weakness I will need to work upon. Specifically, the development of color & design upon an asset results to an unsure perspective of weather the texture or material appears correct, or artstyle design matches the interpreted expectation. To work upon this, i will need to research & develop further practical material & textures within my 2D & 3D projects.


Developing concept environments as an optional freelance, or profession

Environmental concepts within a 2D or 3D base level design, is a strength I continue to develop within projects & my own accord time. This will help support my opportunity to apply & develop environmental based concepts of assigned 2D or 3D projects.


Output & efficiency of work

The output of developing work, has become a worrying factor when working upon a project. While I am able to present the theoretical & practical development of the project, the output of work developed through my perspective underwhelming. This result is directed to the persistence of efficiency within the project, contemplating upon a section of the project for to long. To resolve this issue, I will need to focus upon developing the segments of concepts & research before directing myself onto the practical development of the project.

Task 4: Progression routes

Following the SWOT analysis & research into the specific job roles I have an interest in, progression routes into inquiring qualifications & skills is required to understand the available routes, & how I would apply for an opportunity to achieve my long-term goal.



junior role