Week 4 evaluation

Continuing the development of assets, week 4 has focused on the aim of finalizing the tower defence units & enemies, alongside beginning environmental assets. I have focused on finalizing the tower defence unit & enemies, while re-evaluating the projects posts & research to check for any errors or flaws. To improve the appearance of the western level design, as well as further animation applied onto the environment, I have researched into environmental shaders & animation to animate flora & structures. The efficiency of developing assets & post has improved, beginning development of environmental & background assets, as seen through the output of work within my practical skills. However further assets & animation is required for the western tower defence to be complete. While the development of scripts & code is being constructed within unity, I will discuss with the group if any additional practical, or theoretical work needs completing. The addition of shaders is pending, since the unity project would need to integrate a URP: universal render pipeline for the shaders to effect the selected materials.